Puppets of the Hoopoe Characters

Directions for puppets of the Hoopoe Characters in Pashto
Directions for puppets of the Hoopoe Characters in Dari
Downloadable instructions for paper bag projects and finger puppet projects


Downloadable step-by-step instructions for creating puppets.

Puppets for the title
The Farmer’s Wife

English Fun Projects for The Farmer's Wife

Finger Puppets
Paper Bag Puppets

Puppets for the title
The Lion Who Saw Himself in the Water

English Fun Projects for the The Lion Who Saw Himself in the Water

Finger Puppets
Paper Bag Puppets

Puppets for the title
The Silly Chicken

English Fun Projects for The Silly Chicken

Finger Puppets
Paper Bag Puppets

Puppets for the title
The Clever Boy and the Terrible, Dangerous Animal

English Fun Projects for the The Lion Who Saw Himself in the Water

Finger Puppets
Paper Bag Puppets

Puppets for the title
The Old Woman and The Eagle

English Fun Projects for The Old Woman and The Eagle

Finger Puppets
Paper Bag Puppets

Puppets for the title
The Boy Without A Name

English Fun Projects for The Boy Without A Name

Finger Puppets
Paper Bag Puppets

Puppets for the title
The Man and the Fox

English Fun Projects for The Man and the Fox

Finger Puppets
Paper Bag Puppets

Puppets for the title
Neem the Half-Boy

English Fun Projects for Neem the Half-Boy

Finger Puppets
Paper Bag Puppets

Puppets for the title
Fatima the Spinner and the Tent

English Fun Projects for Fatima the Spinner and the Tent

Finger Puppets
Paper Bag Puppets

Puppets for the title
The Magic Horse

English Fun Projects for The Magic Horse

Finger Puppets
Paper Bag Puppets

Make Your Own Book!

Illustrated book-making instructions. Download the pdf.


Pashto downloadable step-by-step instructions for creating puppets.
Projects for the title The Farmer's Wife
Pashto Fun Projects for The Farmer's Wife
Pashto Finger Puppet instructions

Pashto paper bag puppet instructions
Projects for the title The Lion Who Saw Himself in the Water
Pashto Fun Projects for The Lion Who Saw Himself in the Water
Pashto Finger Puppet instructions

Pashto paper bag puppet instructions

Projects for the title The Silly Chicken
Pashto Fun Projects for The Silly Chicken in the Water
Pashto Finger Puppet instructions

Pashto paper bag puppet instructions
Projects for the title The Clever Boy and the Terrible, Dangerous Animal
Pashto Fun Projects for The Clever Boy and the Terrible, Dangerous Animal
Pashto Finger Puppet instructions
Pashto paper bag puppet instructions

Projects for the title The Man and the Fox
Pashto Fun Projects for The Man and the Fox
Pashto Finger Puppet instructions
Pashto paper bag puppet instructions
Projects for the title The Old Woman and the Eagle
Pashto Fun Projects for The Old Woman and the Eagle
Pashto Finger Puppet instructions
Pashto paper bag puppet instructions

Projects for the title Neem the Half-Boy
Pashto Fun Projects for Neem the Half-Boy
Pashto Finger Puppet instructions

Pashto paper bag puppet instructions
Projects for the title The Boy Without a Name
Pashto Fun Projects for The Boy Without a Name
Pashto Finger Puppet instructions

Pashto paper bag puppet instructions

Projects for the title Fatima the Spinner and the Tent
Pashto Fun Projects for Fatima the Spinner and the Tent
Pashto Finger Puppet instructions

Pashto paper bag puppet instructions
Projects for the title The Magic Horse
Pashto Fun Projects for The Magic Horse
Pashto Finger Puppet instructions
Pashto paper bag puppet instructions


Downloadable step-by-step instructions in Dari for creating puppets.
Dari projects for the title The Farmer's Wife
Dari Fun Projects for The Farmer's Wife
Dari Finger Puppet instructions
Dari paper bag puppet instructions
Dari projects for the title The Lion Who Saw Himself in the Water
Dari Fun Projects for The Lion Who Saw Himself in the Water
Dari Finger Puppet instructions

Dari paper bag puppet instructions
Dari projects for the title The Silly Chicken
Dari Fun Projects for The Silly Chicken
Dari Finger Puppet instructions
Dari paper bag puppet instructions
Dari projects for the title The Clever Boy and the Terrible, Dangerous Animal
Dari Fun Projects for The Clever Boy and the Terrible, Dangerous Animal
Dari Finger Puppet instructions
Dari paper bag puppet instructions

Dari projects for the title The Old Woman and the Eagle
Dari Fun Projects for The Old Woman and the Eagle
Dari Finger Puppet instructions
Dari paper bag puppet instructions
Dari projects for the title The Boy Without a Name
Dari Fun Projects for The Boy Without a Name
Dari Finger Puppet instructions
Dari paper bag puppet instructions

Dari projects for the title The Man and the Fox
Dari Fun Projects for The Man and the Fox
Dari Finger Puppet instructions
Dari paper bag puppet instructions
Dari projects for the title Neem the Half-Boy
Dari Fun Projects for Neem the Half-Boy
Dari Finger Puppet instructions
Dari paper bag puppet instructions

Dari projects for the title Fatima the Spinner and the Tent
Dari Fun Projects for Fatima the Spinner and the Tent
Dari Finger Puppet instructions
Dari paper bag puppet instructions
Dari projects for the title The Magic Horse
Dari Fun Projects for The Magic Horse
Dari Finger Puppet instructions
Dari paper bag puppet instructions